"Our mission is to drive the rapid advancement of conscious consumption in the fashion industry while actively contributing to building a circular economy."

Elevating small and medium-sized enterprises

FFF exists to foster a thriving marketplace for sustainable fashion, empowering brands and designers, providing them a platform and supporting their integration within circular economies.

Helping citizens make better choices

We want to make sustainable fashion affordable and accessible for all, we strive to enlighten consumers about mindful buying choices that positively contribute to both society and the environment.

Future Fashion Fair 2023

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The Yard, Cheetham Hill

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Pre Loved Club

Dock 53, Piccadilly Gardens


Behind the scenes with Future Fashion Fair: how to run a clothes swap

Want to support your local community, save money, and be more sustainable? Running a swap shop is the perfect way to achieve that and more. Swap shops are events and places where individuals can exchange items they no longer need or want, promoting a culture of reusing and recycling. As mentioned in our toolkit (check it out here!), you can organise a swap shop between friends, and it doesn’t have to be so formal. But if something a bit more professional is what you’re looking for, then these tips are for you…

Unmasking the Dark Side of Disney: Toxic Threads in Children's Clothing

After the major children’s retailer, Bentex, was forced to recall 87,000 Disney themed garments due to lead poisoning concerns, we’re forced to question whether we really know what our clothes are made of. Could we, as consumers, be contributing to a corrupt production process that’s only putting our health and wellbeing at risk? The Future Fashion Fair team investigates the Bentex controversy, uncovering the disturbing secrets behind the fast fashion industry.